registered for a full course must complete 20 hours online, 10 hours of
digital instructions online, and 10 hours of in-vehicle training.
Student must complete the full course within 12 months from starting the course (both online and in-vehicle training).
fee of $50 will apply if a student does not want to continue the course
after completing 2 hours or more than 2 hours of online instructions.
Students must give a minimum of 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule in-car lessons otherwise full payment will be charged.
Driving school has authority to release all information to MTO, Insurance Bureau of Canada, and auditor appointed by the Ministry of Transportation.
Students must read all the terms and conditions before starting the online course.
certify that the statements in this document are accurate and consent
to the release of any information contained herein to the Ministry of
Transportation, Insurance Bureau of Canada, and the auditing firm
retained by the Ministry.